You can say our relationship started because our dog, Halli, knew it was destiny. We lived in the same apartment complex and since his room, in his apartment, was directly above Amber's 2 stories up, she thought she would run up and say hi! A couple months later we found ourselves talking and realizing we had a lot in common such as working for insurance. Amber was trying to stay away from him because she thought he was up to no good! Come to find out he was :).We started spending more and more time together and when Amber was grocery shopping he called and said "Would you just be my girlfriend already?"
A few years later Amber is getting home from the gym and hears him call her into the living room. She turns the corner to see him down on one knee asking her to marry him. We all know Clayton loves to be sarcastic and joke and so Amber thought this was a joke. After asking a million times if he was serious he says "Will you just say yes already?" And she did!